Emergency Leak Detection Melbourne

A Local Leak Detector You Can Trust

As experts in emergency leak detection and repair in Melbourne, Trace Leak Detection are the first ones to call when you suspect that your home or business has a water or gas leak. While water leaks can run up your water bill and cause major damage, gas leaks are extremely dangerous and a health hazard to you and your family and need to be fixed as soon as possible.

lek detection

Whether it’s the gas stove or a leaking toilet, our highly experienced team of qualified plumbers and gasfitters offer 24/7 callouts to detect the source of emergency leaks and repair them quickly. We’re proud to offer an end-to-end detection and repair solution for our clients with a focus on exceptional customer service and competitive rates.

leak detection

Whether your leak is hidden under a slab, underground, in a wall cavity or similar, the experienced team at Trace Leak Detection can find it and fix it – we use a range of sophisticated thermal imaging and acoustic and tracer gas leak detection equipment to detect your leak without causing extensive damage to your property.

Not only that, we’re your experts in difficult to identify leaks in your roof, ceiling, verandah, and shower – our goal is to keep the water out and your home dry.

We take our services all throughout Melbourne and wider Victoria as needed so call us today to discuss your situation.

Emergency Water Leak Detection in Melbourne

Emergency water leaks can run up your water bill and cause significant water damage to your home or business in a short amount of time. Our team can act swiftly and put a stop to the leak before it gets worse.

We use the latest leak detection equipment such as thermal imaging, and acoustic and tracer gas leak detectors to locate and repair even the smallest of leaks without disrupting the surrounding area.

How Do I Know If I Have A Water Leak?

These tell-tale signs will alert you to a potential water leak:


Wet spots around the home


Patches of mould


Damp smell in the air


Discoloured walls

What Types of Water Leaks Can You Detect?

We can detect and repair all types of water leaks in residential and commercial properties, including:


Roof leaks


Toilet leaks


Shower membrane and shower base leaks


Balcony leaks


Drain leaks


Wall and ceiling leaks


Burst pipes


Slab leaks and more

Gas Leak Detection in Melbourne

A gas leak puts you and others in danger and can be a serious hazard to your health and the environment. We’re qualified gas fitters who can safely detect gas leaks on your property and repair them in compliance with Australian safety standards and regulations.

How Do I Know if I Have a Gas Leak?

You may have a gas leak if you notice:


A hissing or whistling sound near gas appliances or gas lines


A strong smell of sulphur


A sharp increase in your gas bill


Patches of dead grass around your property


Inconsistency when using your gas appliances

What Emergency Gas Leak Detection Services Do You Provide?

Whether your leak is hidden under a slab, underground, in a wall cavity or similar, the experienced team at Trace Leak Detection can find it and fix it – we use a range of sophisticated thermal imaging and acoustic and tracer gas leak detection equipment to detect your leak without causing extensive damage to your property.

We can assist with:


Gas line leaks


Gas tracing


Gas fitting

Emergency Leak Detection Services You Can Count On

At Trace Leak Detection, we find leaks fast and repair them immediately to keep you safe and your property (and wallet!) free from damage.

We understand that emergency leaks can happen anytime and anywhere. That’s why we’re on call 24/7 with a $0 fee when you call us between business hours on Monday-Saturday. We’re also available for all of your emergency plumbing needs and offer utility locating for underground pipes and cables.

If you suspect you have a leak and require emergency leak detection in Melbourne – don’t wait. Contact Trace Leak Detection today through the website or call us now on 0419 110 990.

$0 Call Out Fee During
Business Hours Monday to Saturday

Plus Years Experience

Servicing Melbourne’s
Eastern Suburbs